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Livro "The 4th Secret of the One Minute Manager" - NOVO
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With The One Minute Manager Ken Blanchard and coauthor Spencer Johnson forever changed the way we approach management by introducing their Three Secrets: One Minute Goals, One Minute Praisings and One Minute Reprimands. The book became an international bestseller and remains a timeless classic. Blanchard, along with coauthor Margret McBride, presents the 4th Secret, a concept that, when implemented properly, is one of the most powerful actions for improving company and employee morale. This is a book that can extend well beyond the business realm and repair relationships that we thought were broken forever.
ID: 472526558

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No OLX desde fevereiro de 2015

Esteve online dia 08 de maio de 2024

Publicado 03 de maio de 2024

Livro "The 4th Secret of the One Minute Manager" - NOVO

10 €



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