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Adobe photoshop master class: john paul caponigro
Adobe photoshop master class: john paul caponigro
Adobe photoshop master class: john paul caponigro
Adobe photoshop master class: john paul caponigro
Adobe photoshop master class: john paul caponigro
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  • Tipo: Fotografia


Adobe Photoshop Master Class: John Paul Caponigro

acerca do autor:
"John Paul Caponigro specialises in compositional landscape photomontages "

isbn: 9780201354997

For any course in Photography, Computer Graphics, Digital Imaging, or Visual Communications that uses Adobe Photoshop.
The personal vision of internationally recognized fine-art photographer John Paul Caponigro serves as the focal point of this book. Students gain insight into Caponigro's creative process and learn how Photoshop can help them develop their own aesthetic and craft. By showcasing his work and carefully explaining the steps he took to produce it, the author provides insight into both his creative method and his Photoshop techniques. Each chapter in this elegantly designed, four-color book is organized around a specific visual theme (atmospheric perspective, selective focus, and split-toned or subdued-color images, for example). Chapters begin with an introduction to the visual concept followed by a step-by-step illustration of the process leading to its realization. This book is a visual treat and an inspiration.
ID: 464166949

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Jose alves

No OLX desde dezembro de 2012

Esteve online dia 21 de fevereiro de 2024

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Publicado 16 de abril de 2024

Adobe photoshop master class: john paul caponigro

10 €




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