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Arquitetura "Boogazine"
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VERB PROCESSING (Architecture Boogazine)
Revista de arquitectura - Edição em espanhol

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The shift from modern to digital systems of design and production opens up a material work to a deeper relationship between author and perceiver. From the classical work to the modern object and from the modern industrial to 'computerised' procedures, the interplay between author and user has become closer, more direct and open. How does this increasing complicity affect architectural practice? How can architecture be conceived as a more fluid informational development? Publishing architectures is much more than displaying a recently finished product in which the architect is the unique author. To make architecture is a real undertaking of numerous authors based on the processing of information before, during and after the materialization of the building. The contemporary relationship between information and authorship in architectural practice, featuring works and texts by Manuel de Landa, Jorge Wagensberg, FOA Architects, Sadar & Vuga, njiric & njiric, Love, Lacaton & Vassal.
ID: 634199978

Contactar anunciante

Rui Duarte

No OLX desde maio de 2012

Esteve online dia 07 de maio de 2024

Publicado 08 de maio de 2024

Arquitetura "Boogazine"

39 €




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