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Conheça o seu gato Know Your Cat
Conheça o seu gato Know Your Cat
Conheça o seu gato Know Your Cat
Conheça o seu gato Know Your Cat
Conheça o seu gato Know Your Cat
Conheça o seu gato Know Your Cat
Conheça o seu gato Know Your Cat
Conheça o seu gato Know Your Cat
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Como novo. 128 páginas capa dura e dupla

Understand your pet with this charmingly illustrated owner's guide. Find out how to best communicate with your feline, and what all that rubbing, swatting, and lovable purring really means.

Have you ever wondered why cats always land on their feet or what different meows or different facial expressions mean? Veterinarian Fogle, author of Pets and Their People ( LJ 6/15/84), together with photographer Burton, explain these and other cat behavior questions in this lovely book. Photographs of birth, newborns, kittens , and mature cats trace the development of a cat's life. Feeding, handling, exercising, and practical care is briefly discussed. The 350 superb color photographs are a visual delight and capture the many habits, behavior, and antics of the cat. If you need a cat owner's manual, a better purchase might be Mary Pyles's The Everyday Cat ( LJ 2/1/91). For public libraries that need a book on cat behavior, this is an informative text that children would also enjoy and understand. Buy it if budget allows--cat owners will love it.
ID: 541388028

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Isabel Medeiros

No OLX desde julho de 2017

Esteve online dia 26 de abril de 2024

Publicado 15 de abril de 2024

Conheça o seu gato Know Your Cat

8 €



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