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DIE MACHER, jogo de tabuleiro (Estratégia Politica)
DIE MACHER, jogo de tabuleiro (Estratégia Politica)
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DIE MACHER, Jogo novo nunca jogado em caixa aberta.
Versão em Inglês

Um dos mais conceituados jogos de estratégia de todos os tempos, sempre nos TOP de preferência de jogadores por todo o mundo.
É o mais conhecido e rankeado jogo de politica de todos os tempos.

Dou preferência a trocar mas, tb posso vender.


Die Macher is a game about seven sequential political races in different regions of Germany. Players are in charge of national political parties, and must manage limited resources to help their party to victory. The winning party will have the most victory points after all the regional elections. There are four different ways of scoring victory points. First, each regional election can supply one to eighty victory points, depending on the size of the region and how well your party does in it. Second, if a party wins a regional election and has some media influence in the region, then the party will receive some media-control victory points. Third, each party has a national party membership which will grow as the game progresses and this will supply a fair number of victory points. Lastly, parties score some victory points if their party platform matches the national opinions at the end of the game.

The 1986 edition featured four parties from the old West Germany and supported 3-4 players. The 1997 edition supports up to five players in the re-united Germany and updated several features of the rules as well.
ID: 624855224

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Rui Conde

No OLX desde janeiro de 2017

Esteve online dia 19 de abril de 2024

xxx xxx xxx

Publicado 22 de abril de 2024

DIE MACHER, jogo de tabuleiro (Estratégia Politica)




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