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Discos cd jazz big band Glenn Miller Duke Ellington Count Basie
Discos cd jazz big band Glenn Miller Duke Ellington Count Basie
Discos cd jazz big band Glenn Miller Duke Ellington Count Basie
Discos cd jazz big band Glenn Miller Duke Ellington Count Basie
Discos cd jazz big band Glenn Miller Duke Ellington Count Basie
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4 cds :

- The Big Band Selection volume 1
- The Big Band Selection volume 2
- The Big Band Selection volume 3
- The Big Band Selection volume 4

Coletaneas com sucessos de: Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw, Louis Armstrong, Benny Goodman, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Benny Goodman ... e mais artistas da época.

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ID: 651439003

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Publicado 29 de abril de 2024

Discos cd jazz big band Glenn Miller Duke Ellington Count Basie

2 €



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