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Econometric Analysis of Panel Data - Badi H. Baltagi
Econometric Analysis of Panel Data - Badi H. Baltagi
Econometric Analysis of Panel Data - Badi H. Baltagi
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Vendo livro Econometric Analysis of Panel Data de Badi H. Baltagi, escrito em Inglês e em ótimo estado.

Panel data econometrics has evolved rapidly over the last decade. Micro and Macro panels are increasing in numbers and availability and methods to deal with these data are in high demand from practitioners.
Written by one of the world's leading researchers and writers in the field, Econometric Analysis of Panel Data has become established as the leading textbook for postgraduate courses in panel data.
ID: 652155443

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Publicado 05 de abril de 2024

Econometric Analysis of Panel Data - Badi H. Baltagi

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