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Financial Accounting with International Financial Reporting Standards
Financial Accounting with International Financial Reporting Standards
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"While there is growing interest in IFRS within the US, interest outside the US has exploded. Weygandt's fourth edition of Financial Accounting: IFRS highlights the integration of more US GAAP rules, a desired feature as more foreign companies find the United States to be their largest market. The highly anticipated new edition retains each of the key features (e.g. TOC, writing style, pedagogy, robust EOC) on which users of Weygandt Financial have come to rely, while putting the focus on international companies/examples, discussing financial accounting principles and procedures within the context of IFRS, and providing EOC exercises and problems that present students with foreign currency examples instead of solely U.S. dollars."
ID: 640592802

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Publicado 05 de maio de 2024

Financial Accounting with International Financial Reporting Standards

30 €



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