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First Certificate Gold Coursebook and FC Gold coursebook tests
First Certificate Gold Coursebook and FC Gold coursebook tests
First Certificate Gold Coursebook and FC Gold coursebook tests
First Certificate Gold Coursebook and FC Gold coursebook tests
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Alguns apontamentos a lápis.
Excelente estado.

Builds students' confidence by explaining what they have to do, showing them how to do it and providing plenty of practice
* Makes exam preparation fun -- with thought-provoking texts and motivating practice activities
* New Reading and Listening texts to bring the course right up to date
* Extended Writing reference section with model answers for all tasks
* New Visuals section providing extra practice for Paper
TEST BOOKLET* Each unit tests covers the language areas in the corresponding unit of the First Certificate Gold Coursebook and progress tests test the language from the previous five units
* Uses the exam format of paper 3 of the First Certificate in English exam
* Also includes reading and writing tasks from papers 1 and 2 of the exam
* Includes answer key

Author: Richard Acklam with Sally Burgess
ID: 651885777

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Maria Ponte

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Publicado 17 de junho de 2024

First Certificate Gold Coursebook and FC Gold coursebook tests

6 €

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