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Fundamental Issues in Strategy de Richard P. Rumelt
Fundamental Issues in Strategy de Richard P. Rumelt
Fundamental Issues in Strategy de Richard P. Rumelt
Fundamental Issues in Strategy de Richard P. Rumelt
Fundamental Issues in Strategy de Richard P. Rumelt
Fundamental Issues in Strategy de Richard P. Rumelt
Fundamental Issues in Strategy de Richard P. Rumelt
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  • Tipo: Empresas


How do firms behave? Why are firms different? What are the functions of the headquarters unit in a multibusiness firm? What determines success or failure in international competition?

In Fundamental Issues in Strategy, twenty-two prominent scholars collectively address these four fundamental questions to examine strategic management's intellectual roots and to strengthen the field's theoretical foundations. It frames a complete and original statement about the future of strategic management - and establishes a foundation for future growth and development in the field of strategy.

Número de páginas: 636 páginas
Idioma: Inglês
Editora: Harvard Business Review Press
ID: 639468038

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Publicado 18 de abril de 2024

Fundamental Issues in Strategy de Richard P. Rumelt

30 €



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