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Godin ACS Blue HG
Godin ACS Blue HG
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Guitarra Nylon MIDI. Marcas de uso.

The Godin ACS Blue HG is a multiac nylon string guitar with hexaphonic output. This means that each string has its own separate signal. This divided output signal is a key element in the interface between guitars and synths, and once you are connected to the guitar synth you can use the MIDI output from there to connect to other synths, sound modules, sequencers etc. The best part of this guitar is the fact that players at any level can plug it in and have fun with it immediately!!
ID: 652117072

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No OLX desde março de 2017

Esteve online dia 29 de março de 2024

Publicado 06 de abril de 2024

Godin ACS Blue HG

1.000 €



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