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Ice Bath in Cascais Mergulho Salgado Piscinas e Spas
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Scientifically Proven Health Benefits
The Wim Hof method
Thanks to Wim Hof, better known as The Iceman, cold water has recently become more popular than ever. His unique method is based on three pillars: cold training, breathing and focus. His method is basic: first you set an intention and then you step into your IceMan Tub. Try to relax and use breathing techniques to keep it going. We share the scientifically proven benefits of taking a ice bath.
1) Increased alertness
A cold bath immediately turns you ‘sharp’! Research shows that an ice bath results
in an increased heart rate, higher blood pressure and faster breathing. The ingredi-
ents for increased alertness! It is like when you take a cold shower, your muscles
tense. That causes vasoconstriction. This raises your blood pressure and ‘hydrostat-
ic pressure’, causing your heart to pump faster and more blood to go to your muscles. In this way the blood brings different substances to the right places in the body. Think of oxygen, vitamins, minerals, glucose and fatty acids. At the same time, waste is removed. And the blood circulation is important for fluid balance, growth and the physical defense system.
2) Stronger immune system
Other research shows that people who take an ice bath every day are 29% more likely to keep healthy. More than 3000 people participated in this study.
3) Better mood
Do you want to have a better mood? Take an ice bath! The researchers stated that exposure to cold water increases the availability of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and endorphins. People would therefore be in a better positive mood.
4) Cool down faster after exercise
Quicker cool down after exercise? Then take an ice bath after your workout! Research has shown that your body warms up a lot faster this way. And as a bonus, it can also help reduce inflammation.
5) Pain Relief
Putting an ice pack on a painful body part is nothing new. The cold causes the swelling to go down. But it also slows down the speed at which nerves send pain signals to the brain. An ice bath will work in the same way for pain relief.
6) Faster recovery
Soaking first in warm water and then in cold water will improve recovery of muscles and recovery of energy quickly

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Mergulho Salgado Cascais Piscinas Spas

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Publicado 02 de maio de 2024

Ice Bath in Cascais Mergulho Salgado Piscinas e Spas

4.870 €

Mergulho Salgado Cascais Piscinas e Spas



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