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Livro pitching ideas
Livro pitching ideas
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For one reason or another, pitching ideas is one of the most undervalued practices in the creative field. From convincing a colleague to opt for a certain methodology to persuading a customer to go for a certain concept, you can have the best ideas in the world, but if you are not able to bring them across, they will never become reality.
In this book the author will take you inside the heads of the people you have to convince. Pitching Ideas will help you to find the essence of the idea you want to get across and will explain how you can really convince the right people in the end.
ID: 578749416

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No OLX desde setembro de 2016

Esteve online dia 25 de abril de 2024

Publicado 07 de abril de 2024

Livro pitching ideas

6 €




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