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Livro regras e lore Warmachine MK2 Hardcover
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Livro com as regras da 2ª Edição de Warmachine

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WARMACHINE Prime: Mk II is the core rulebook for the second edition of the award-winning tabletop wargame WARMACHINE. The popular game now plays faster, easier, and more aggressively than ever before. Prime Mk II includes the rules for the game; detailed profiles and game stats for powerful characters, warjacks, and soldiers; histories of the nations of the Iron Kingdoms; and an instructional hobby guide that will help bring your tabletop battlefield to life.
ID: 630092277

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Edgar Matos

No OLX desde abril de 2014

Esteve online dia 16 de abril de 2024

Publicado Hoje às 10:57

Livro regras e lore Warmachine MK2 Hardcover

10 €



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