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Livros Inglês Antigos
Livros Inglês Antigos
Livros Inglês Antigos
Livros Inglês Antigos
Livros Inglês Antigos
Livros Inglês Antigos
Livros Inglês Antigos
Livros Inglês Antigos
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Vários Livros  Antigos bastante interessantes no idioma inglês. Caso interesse solicite informação sobre os Títulos , Autores, Fotos

Flower and thorn de Beatrice Whiby - Editora Hurst and Blackett - London 1901

The Planning Construction and Maintennance of Playing Fields de Percy White Smith Editora Oxford University Press London 1950

Sixty years of fleet street de hamilton fyfe- Edition w.h. allen London 1949

This side of innocence de taylor caldwell Editora Collins London 1947

Between two worlds an autobiography de John Middleton Murry Editora Jonathan Cape London 1935

God´s Good Man a simple love story de Marie Corelli 10ª edição Editora Methuen London 1906

Flower and thorn de Beatrice whiby Editora hurst and blackett London 1901

Psichology of human relations for executives de J.L. Rosenstein 1ª Edição Editora Mcgraw -Hill Book Company New York 1936

Twenty best plays of the modern american theatre 

What to read in english literature de jack crawford Editora the new home library New Yok 1928

The alpha strategy , the ultimate plan of financial self defense for the swall investor de john pugsley 1980

Round my library fire a book about books de E.Norman Tory Editora Thomas Nelson and sons 1947

Ends and means an enquiry into that nature of ideals and into the methods employed fo their  Editora Chatto & Windus London 1941

Round my library fire a book about books de e. norman tory Editora thomas nelson and sons 1947

Trilby de george du maurice Editora harper & brothers london 1912

The raison why a careful collection of many hundreds of reasons for things witch though generally believed are imperfectly understood de general  1859

Escape to fight again stories of men and women who refused to accept defeat de luscombe  1942

World jewry today de s. fedrebush London 1959

A  year of your life a year book covering the events of 1974 

My studio window sketches of the pageant of washington life de marietta minnigerode andrews 1928

Transition years new york jerusalem 1960 a 1962  de israel
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Livros Inglês Antigos

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