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Loyalty Marketing for the Internet Age
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  • Tipo: Marketing


Livro que continua a estar bastante atual para quem quer saber mais sobre fidelização de clientes.
345 páginas.
Como novo. Portes à parte: 2€

Sobre o livro:
Companies cannot afford to give their customers away. But according to e-commerce experts, 70% of all e-transactions never go through due to customer frustration
As the explosive ECRM (Electronic Customer Relationship Management) methodology comes into its own, every business dealing with customers electronically is learning that no matter what size the business, retaining customers is the key to long-term financial success. By bringing together marketing, sales, service, and other divisions with state-of-the-art electronic customer relationship management tools, companies are able to learn about their customers' behavior and customize their products or services to meet each and every customer's unique requirements. They will be able to reduce the cost of sales while simultaneously increasing customer loyalty.
By following the best practices of web-based customer communications strategies, developing a business process devoted to customer loyalty, and putting the necessary infrastructure in place, companies will be able to:
*leverage the Internet to increase customer loyalty and increase profits
*identify the best and most appropriate customer relationship marketing practices
*attract the most loyal prospects and customers
*serve customers via multiple levels of interaction, contact, and dialogue-building,
*simplify interactions in order to increase loyalty
*retain the most profitable customers by anticipating and meeting their specific and unique needs
ID: 625175740

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José Santos

No OLX desde novembro de 2012

Esteve online dia 18 de abril de 2024

Publicado 29 de abril de 2024

Loyalty Marketing for the Internet Age

11 €



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