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microfone SHURE MV88 - iOS Digital Stereo Condenser Microphone + capa
microfone SHURE MV88 - iOS Digital Stereo Condenser Microphone + capa
microfone SHURE MV88 - iOS Digital Stereo Condenser Microphone + capa
microfone SHURE MV88 - iOS Digital Stereo Condenser Microphone + capa
microfone SHURE MV88 - iOS Digital Stereo Condenser Microphone + capa
microfone SHURE MV88 - iOS Digital Stereo Condenser Microphone + capa
microfone SHURE MV88 - iOS Digital Stereo Condenser Microphone + capa
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microfone SHURE MV88 - iOS Digital Stereo Condenser Microphone

Digital Stereo condenser microphone replaces field recorders with the ability to record audio on the go onto an iOS device. Features include 5 preloaded DSP settings, Lightning Connector compatibility, and iOS ShurePlus MOTIV app editing.

+ Shure MV88 Carry Capsule

pouco uso
em muito bom estado
ID: 650494972

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Tiago Rodrigues

No OLX desde novembro de 2018

Esteve online ontem às 15:38

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Publicado 14 de abril de 2024

microfone SHURE MV88 - iOS Digital Stereo Condenser Microphone + capa

80 €



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