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Monet to Picasso - Masterworks from the Albertina. The Batliner Collec
Monet to Picasso - Masterworks from the Albertina. The Batliner Collec
Monet to Picasso - Masterworks from the Albertina. The Batliner Collec
Monet to Picasso - Masterworks from the Albertina. The Batliner Collec
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Monet to Picasso - Masterworks from the Albertina. The Batliner Collection

Language : English

Weight: 0,6 kg

Synopsis "It is under the title Monet to Picasso. Masterworks from the Albertina. The Batliner Collection that the Albertina presents its extensive holdings of classical modernist paintings, which come from the Batliner Collection. The overview of the most interesting chapters of 130 years of art history made possible by this permanent collection is unique both in Vienna and in Austria"
ID: 648548412

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Publicado 28 de abril de 2024

Monet to Picasso - Masterworks from the Albertina. The Batliner Collec

20 €



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