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National Geographic — SHARK | Brian Skerry edição de capa dura (NOVO)
National Geographic — SHARK | Brian Skerry edição de capa dura (NOVO)
National Geographic — SHARK | Brian Skerry edição de capa dura (NOVO)
National Geographic — SHARK | Brian Skerry edição de capa dura (NOVO)
National Geographic — SHARK | Brian Skerry edição de capa dura (NOVO)
National Geographic — SHARK | Brian Skerry edição de capa dura (NOVO)
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Livro novo, oferecido pela própria National Geographic e acalmado fotógrafo aquático Brian Skerry e a sua investigação NG sobre tubarões — valor comercial FNAC 27€ — livro novo e em perfeito estado.

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For decades, acclaimed National Geographic underwater photographer Brian Skerry has braved ocean depths and the jaws of predatory giants to capture the most remarkable photographs of sharks around the world. In this collection of the best of those pictures, Skerry draws on his growing personal respect for these animals to share intimate stories of their impact. Focusing on four key species--great white, whitetip, tiger, and mako sharks--Skerry's photographs span from his early work, photographing them from cages, to his recent unencumbered scuba dives. With additional text by top National Geographic writers, Skerry's images and stories encourage a change in attitude toward these top predators, ultimately showing how they are the keys to the healthy balance of nature underwater.
ID: 650342172

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Publicado 17 de abril de 2024

National Geographic — SHARK | Brian Skerry edição de capa dura (NOVO)

12 €



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