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Sidestep Complexity - Philip R. Diab
Sidestep Complexity - Philip R. Diab
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Vendo livro Sidestep Complexity - Project Management for Small and Medium Sized Organizations de Philip R. Diab,, PMI Institute em bom estado.

Using a narrative style, Philip R. Diab, PMP, past Chairman and PMI Board of Directors member, provides a framework that helps inform leaders of small- and medium-sized organizations of the benefits of project management and how easy it can be to tailor the body of knowledge to meet their unique needs. Small- and medium-sized organizations' adoption of best practices in project management are critical not only to the growth of the profession, but also to financial and economic stability. Sidestep Complexity outlines key critical factors and demonstrates that leadership in project management is at the heart of achieving organizational success.
ID: 652158271

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Publicado 01 de maio de 2024

Sidestep Complexity - Philip R. Diab

15 €



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