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SPL Transpressor (Compressor + Transient Designer)
SPL Transpressor (Compressor + Transient Designer)
SPL Transpressor (Compressor + Transient Designer)
SPL Transpressor (Compressor + Transient Designer)
SPL Transpressor (Compressor + Transient Designer)
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SPL Transpressor (Compressor + Transient Designer) em excelente condição, perfeitamente funcional.

O que diz a marca:

"The SPL Transpressor combines the two most important dynamic processing techniques: compression and level-independent treatment of transients. By blending these techniques in a single path, SPL aims to void the previous limitations of dynamic processing.

The Transpressor is designed as a single channel unit but you can always couple two in order to do some stereo processing. Our intent to offer a flexible and powerful audio processing tool, based on the interaction between transient processing and compression, is made evident by the freedom to place the modules in any order in the signal path. That way you can compress attacks that have been heavily amplified by the Transient Designer more precisely or enhance the transients once they have been compressed."
ID: 652003144

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Publicado 27 de abril de 2024

SPL Transpressor (Compressor + Transient Designer)

800 €



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