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Tears for Fears - Raoul and the Kings of Spain
Tears for Fears - Raoul and the Kings of Spain
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Raoul and the Kings of Spain é o quinto álbum de estúdio da banda inglesa Tears for Fears, lançado em 6 de Outubro de 1995.


"Raoul and the Kings of Spain"
"Falling Down"
"God's Mistake"
"Sketches of Pain"
"Los Reyes Católicos"
"Humdrum and Humble"
"I Choose You"
"Don't Drink the Water"
"Me and My Big Ideas"
"Los Reyes Católicos" (Reprise)
ID: 446040149

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No OLX desde janeiro de 2011

Esteve online dia 11 de abril de 2024

Publicado Hoje às 08:19

Tears for Fears - Raoul and the Kings of Spain

6 €



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