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The Carpet Makers, de Andreas Eschbach
The Carpet Makers, de Andreas Eschbach
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Usado em excelente condição, encapado.

Since the time of pre-history, carpetmakers tie intricate knots to form carpets for the court of the Emperor. These carpets are made from the hairs of wives and daughters; they are so detailed and fragile that each carpetmaker finishes only one single carpet in his entire lifetime.

This art descends from father to son, since the beginning of time itself.

But one day the empire of the God Emperor vanishes, and strangers begin to arrive from the stars to follow the trace of the hair carpets. What these strangers discover is beyond all belief, more than anything they could have ever imagined...

Brought to the attention of Tor Books by Orson Scott Card, this edition of The Carpet Makers contains a special introduction by Orson Scott Card.
ISBN 9780765314901
ID: 654216217

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Publicado 29 de abril de 2024

The Carpet Makers, de Andreas Eschbach

17 €



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