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The food allergy cure  / Say goodbye to illness
The food allergy cure  / Say goodbye to illness
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The food allergy cure - 25€
Say Good-bye to ilness - 15€

The food allergy cure
Ellen W. Cutler
Three Rivers Press, 2003, 333 páginas
One-third of Americans avoid foods because of allergies, and many others experience symptoms -- such as sinusitis, asthma, and chronic fatigue -- caused by undiagnosed allergies. Dr. Cutler's method of diagnosis and treatment, known as BioSET, can alleviate specific food allergies and determine which enzymes will contribute to an individual's optimum health. Her method blends Eastern and Western medicine; it is easy to implement, does not depend on drugs or expensive procedures, and is poised to become an invaluable resource for longtime food-allergy sufferers

Acerca do autor (2003)
DR. ELLEN CUTLER has a degree in chiropractic from Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon, and is currently working on her medical degree. Her background includes postgraduate work in kinesiology, chiropractic orthopedics, visceral and cranial manipulation, women's health, nutrition, and enzyme therapy. She regularly teaches and lectures at conferences, hospitals, and universities throughout the United States.

Say Good-bye to ilness
About the Author
Born in India, Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad has made California her home since 1976. In an effort to solve her personal health problems suffered since childhood, and to help others with similar problems, she conducted research in the U.S. over the past fifteen years resulting in the development of a new and effective approach known as Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques(Naet), for diagnosis and treatment of allergies of all types.
She has pointed the way to perfect health by combining many methods and techniques form different disciplines of medicine including Allopathic, Kinesiology, Chiropractic, and Oriental Medical procedures of Acupuncture and Acupressure. Dr. Nambudripad has received extensive training in each of these fields, both in the United States and in the Orient.

To date, thousands of patients who could not find relief elsewhere have been successfully treated for both food and environmental allergies by NAET. Dr. Nambudripad conducts training seminars regularly in NAET open to currently licensed medical practitioners. She has trained over two thousand medical professionals in her special procedure on permanent allergy elimination.
ID: 652317555

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The food allergy cure / Say goodbye to illness

25 €



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