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"The Penguin Book of War - Great Military Writings", de John Keegan
"The Penguin Book of War - Great Military Writings", de John Keegan
"The Penguin Book of War - Great Military Writings", de John Keegan
"The Penguin Book of War - Great Military Writings", de John Keegan
"The Penguin Book of War - Great Military Writings", de John Keegan
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Vendo este livro de História, "The Penguin Book of War - Great Military Writings", editado pelo grande historiador John Keegan.

Compilação exaustiva com a melhor escrita sobre Guerra e batalhas ao longo da história da humanidade. Tucídides, Júlio César, Xenofonte, Erwin Rommel, Ernest Hemingway...

Capa dura. Em bom estado.

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ID: 622217079

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Publicado 02 de maio de 2024

"The Penguin Book of War - Great Military Writings", de John Keegan

22 €



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