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The wheels of chance | The time machine_H. G. Wells_Everyman's Library
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Título: The wheels of chance | The time machine
Autor: H. G. Wells
Editor: Everyman's Library
Idioma: Inglês
Estado: 5
Encad.: Brochado
Área: Prosa
Preço: 10.00 €
Código: LT006232

… The Wheels of Chance is an early comic novel about an August 1895 cycling holiday, written at the height of the cycling craze (1890.1905), when practical, comfortable bicycles first became widely and cheaply available and before the rise of the automobile. The advent of the bicycle stirred sudden and profound changes in the social life of England. Even the working class could travel substantial distances, quickly and cheaply, and the very idea of travelling for pleasure became a possibility for thousands of people for the first time. This new freedom affected many. It began to weaken the rigid English class structure and it gave an especially powerful boost to the existing movement toward female emancipation. Wells explored these social changes in his story. Herbert George Wells (1866.1946), aka H G Wells, was a prolific English writer in many genres, including the novel, history, politics, and social commentary, and textbooks and rules for war games.

The wheels of chance | The time machine_H. G. Wells_Everyman's Library
ENTREGA EM MÃO sem custos adicionais na loja física, LEITURIA, na Rua José Estêvão 45 A, de segunda a sexta (10 – 13h, 14h30-19h30) e sábados (10 – 13h, 14h30 – 19h)

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3* - Razoável. Pode conter imperfeições, dobras ou pequenos rasgões na capa, contracapa ou lombada. Pode conter assinaturas, sublinhados ou outras marcas de posse.
4* - Bom estado geral. Pode apresentar pequenas manchas ou oxidação, assinaturas de posse ou sublinhados, ou não apresentar sobrecapa.
5* - Muito bom estado geral. Exemplar quase sem falhas. Pode apresentar assinatura de posse.
Como Novo – Exemplar perfeito.
ID: 621697768

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Publicado 13 de maio de 2024

The wheels of chance | The time machine_H. G. Wells_Everyman's Library

10 €

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