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Vinil - Transvision Vamp - Pop Art  25th highest-selling album of 1989
Vinil - Transvision Vamp - Pop Art  25th highest-selling album of 1989
Vinil - Transvision Vamp - Pop Art  25th highest-selling album of 1989
Vinil - Transvision Vamp - Pop Art  25th highest-selling album of 1989
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Transvision Vamp - Pop Art

Musicas do álbum

1. "Trash City"
2. "I Want Your Love"
3. "Sister Moon"
4. "Psychosonic Cindy"
5. "Revolution Baby"
6. "Tell That Girl to Shut Up"
7. "Wild Star"
8. "Hanging Out with Halo Jones"
9. "Andy Warhol's Dead"
10. "Sex Kick"

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José Costa

No OLX desde janeiro de 2020

Esteve online dia 25 de abril de 2024

Publicado 24 de abril de 2024

Vinil - Transvision Vamp - Pop Art 25th highest-selling album of 1989

15 €



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