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Vray Global Illumination: Exteriors e Interiors
Vray Global Illumination: Exteriors e Interiors
Vray Global Illumination: Exteriors e Interiors
Vray Global Illumination: Exteriors e Interiors
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  • Tipo: Arquitectura


Para arquitectos, designers que trabalham com 3D Max e o motor de renderização VRAY.


In this lecture on the subject of Global Illumination lighting techniques, Christopher Nichols discusses the subject of exterior lighting. This DVD covers a general introduction to the principles of Global Illumination, which are essential to the understanding of this specialized form of lighting. While the series primarily uses V-Ray as the render engine in a 3ds Max environment, those using other GI renderers will also benefit from the conceptual techniques described. From the general concepts of reflected specular and diffuse light, to sky lights and image based lighting with HDRIs, Christopher shows how to light scenes using real world lighting in a fully reflective environment. He also demonstrates how to tackle the issues of animation by finding the most optimal way to bake lighting for exterior sets. This series is geared toward the CG artist that already has an intermediate understanding of direct lighting and is making the transition to GI lighting.

Interiores ( extra copia ):

Continuing from his first DVD, Global Illumination: Exteriors, Christopher Nichols explains how interior global illumination differs from exterior GI. Christopher focuses on the concept of digital sets and explores issues of interior lighting for GI, including the variety of light sources that can be used, as well as how space plays an important role in lighting. Christopher demonstrates the differences between regular light sources, environment light, IES lighting, area lights, and even how geometry and shaders can affect the lighting of a scene. Additionally, since bouncing light plays an important role in interior GI, this lecture looks at some special techniques such as using V-Ray's photon mapping and light cache. Christopher also explores the idea of baking lighting into textures, which is a useful technique for some situations. With Global Illumination: Interiors, you will see the rendering of an interior space in a whole new light.
ID: 650434656

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Martim M

No OLX desde maio de 2015

Esteve online dia 03 de maio de 2024

Publicado 28 de abril de 2024

Vray Global Illumination: Exteriors e Interiors

15 €



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